Monday, March 5, 2018

Simple Country Catholic

So, I've changed the name of the blog because the other name was too long.  Plus, I believe the name change reflects more of what I like to write about; simple living in a rural, country home in Indiana and my faith.  I also want to write more about health.  My degree is in community health education and that makes me nothing more than a 'certifiable health nut'.  I've included a health page for simple ways I have learned to be healthy that I would like to share.  My leisure reading usually involves a book on nutrition or a health issue like cancer, heart disease, natural remedy etc. Yep, I'm a health geek.

I was going to have it as "Simple Rural Catholic" but I'm not a farmer and when many hear the word 'rural' they think farming.  I just live in the country, although I live next to a farm.  So it's like I do farm, not really, that's incredibly hard work. I secretly believe I would have made one heck of a farmer's wife but God gave me this very handsome electrician instead!  God's choice is ALWAYS better.

Living next to the farm is like being on the farm without having to clean up any feces!  We call it the petting zoo.  There's goats, chickens, turkeys, geese, cows, two beautiful mules and a really handsome bull named Clouse.  It's a joy to see and hear all the animals every day.

For a brief time in college and a few years after I lived in the city.  I couldn't stand it.  I have this recurring nightmare about living in a beautiful home but I go outside and I have close neighbors! I grew up in the country and the country is where I belong.  I'm not saying nothing bad about city slickers or townies, I just prefer the peace and quiet (besides the occasional bleating goat) of the country.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, outdoor and nature
If school is cancelled because of ice, we ice skate!
The Woods

Behind my house my dad owns LOTS of acres.  We occasionally go tromping around in the woods but not as much as I would like.  I was SUPER excited when four of my kids announced they didn't want to play ball this summer.  My plan is to spend lots of hours outside with them in the woods like I did as a kid.  The best time of year to go in the woods is in winter and spring.  NO bugs and NO poison ivy!   In the summer, we will just have to stick to the creek and the path.

Little House on the Prairie books are one of my favorite series.  My hubby bought me Little house DVD box series set a few years ago.  Talk about living simple.  Charles made a living to support his family whether it be farming, putting up telephone poles or cutting wood at the mill.  Caroline made delicious meals out of whatever foods were available.  Laura fished, Mary read, and Albert helped on the farm.  They sure don't make shows like they used to.

Image may contain: plant, tree, grass, sky, outdoor and nature
Our 5 acres, ragweed and all!

Our country home has 5 acres, lots of berries, a garden and was built on a tiny hill.  I like to refer to it as 'the house on the little hill'.  Our land could be called berry acres because we stopped mowing all 5 acres a few years ago. We have berries and bunnies galore (and ragweed).

Image may contain: plant, flower, outdoor and nature
Berry acres

10 Simple Country Catholic Everyday Life Ideas (even if you are a townie or not Catholic):

1.  Pray every day at sunrise. Thank God for his beauty in creation and all the blessings you have.

2. Whatever the weather, walk your dog, or your kids, or your spouse everyday around your yard,    woods, or neighborhood.  Learn to embrace the seasons, rain, snow, hot, cold, sun, wind.
3.  Listen to the sounds God created in nature.  Birds' voices are a myriad of composition.

4.  Exercise outside.

5.  Grow a garden.

6.  Go barefoot like St. Francis of Assisi.

7.  Learn what you can forage;  mushrooms, weeds, seeds, flowers.

8.  Tap a maple tree in late winter and drink the sap.

9.  Kick your kids outside to play.

10.  At the end of the day, pray with your family.

Troba l'alegría en la normalitat (o bé potser jo ho traduïria en "la senzillesa")#Inspirational
Joy does not mean happy.  It's the radiance of happy, the happiest of happy.  That's what this country girl feels about her Simple Country Catholic life.

Where do you find your joy in a simple life?

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