Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Simple Snow

The older I get, the more I love snow. I know. It's weird.

We have had plenty of snow this winter. Over the kids' spring break, it was like God just dumped the snow right on our house. Some areas measured 6 inches, others 12.  Many facebook complainers.

I embraced it. 

Image may contain: snow, outdoor and nature
Steelers Snowmen
We are a family that doesn't have the luxury of vacations unless it's visiting family members.  Maybe an occasional camping trip or short get weekend getaway within a few hours drive.  So, no Florida warm weather for us.  This snow provided a good 4 days of outside playtime. This snow was
AHH-MAZING!  My 8 year old said "March snow is WAYYY better than December snow." Yep, it sure is.  We were building snowmen and ginormous snow forts.  The snow stuck like glue. It was awesome.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, outdoor and nature
Someone declared a snowball fight!

The last day when the snow melted, the boys went out in the morning and played and by the end of the day were wearing shorts.  That's Midwest weather for you.

One HUGE benefit of snow is that it covers all the trash.  I went running the other day and to pass the time I counted 72 beer bottles/cans on a 2 mile stretch.  Drinking and driving is not only dangerous but SOOO 1980's.  Besides, who doesn't recycle anymore?

Snow is referenced in the Bible a few times.  A snowy morning and melting by the end of the day reminds me manna in the dessert.  How quickly it ends if we don't devour it when it's there.  My favorite snow Bible quote is:

Psalm 51:7

"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
Every time I hear this verse, I think of a certain Priest that would sing this during Lent.  Psalm 51 is traditionally called the "Miserere" or the "Repentent's Prayer." God does not call perfect people to lead his church, but imperfect people who are repentant.  We don't repent just one time, but over and over and over. David, he was a dude that kept messing up, but had a contrite heart.  I should frequent the sacrament of confession more than I do, I know I should take advantage of the free therapy session of forgiveness!
Create in me a new heart, AKA conversion.  Conversion isn't just a one time affair, we are constantly being converted.  In order to continue conversion, one must seek God more in prayer, scripture, books and embrace the beauty entrusted to us, even cold snow.
And there's this one:

Isaiah 1:18

"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."
I am hearing a call again for constant conversion, penance and humility.  
Boy, can you tell I just came off Lent?
This one is a good one for women to strive for, it is the description of the ideal woman.

Proverbs 31:20-21

"She extends her hand to the poor,
Yes, she reaches out her hands to the needy.
She is not afraid of snow for her household,
For all her household is clothed with scarlet."
I'll try to be more like her.

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Snow is a simple beauty.  We can complain, or embrace it.  Nothing makes you feel more youthful than a good snowball fight or making angels in the snow. 

Life is all perspective. What do you see?  Last week when I was running, I went in crazy, beast mode and decided to tackle a hill, rather a small Indiana mountain.  I looked down the valley and should have seen a beautiful ravine with a small creek but all I saw was mounds of trash thrown over the side of the road that had trickled down over the years.  There's no way anyone could get down there to pick up all that garbage.  It gave me the thought, what do you see? the beauty in everything or the ugliness?  I would like to admit I just saw beauty but I didn't. My thought was I wish it would snow to cover up all the ugliness.  What do we cover up all our ugliness with?  Do we have a contrite heart or is it red as scarlet? Do we see others as scarlet or as white as snow? God forgives us but do we forgive those who hurt us or just cover them up with snow.

The snow will melt and what will you have? A clean heart or a dirty ravine?

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