However, we and our extended family are currently blessed with good health. I pray daily for a cure and complete healing of COVID-19. I pray for all those who can't stay home and are the front line warriors in this battle of an unseen enemy that floats around attacking the most vulnerable. Thank you health care workers. You are loved and appreciated.
We are told that only essential workers and essential travel is allowed. The definition of essential is what everyone is trying to define. Sadly, many non-essential workers are now without work. The essential workers are also front line soldiers exposing themselves to the virus so we can get our food and home supplies. Thank you. Teachers, thank you also for finding creative ways for my children, who love school, to continue to learn. May the Holy Spirit come upon you and inspire you.
This time is not all gloom and doom. It is time of detachment. We are in Lent and we are to detach ourselves from life's luxuries. This is good. We have a lot of 'extra' time on our hands from the mundane responsibility of every day life. Also, 'non-essential' persons who need to still make a living are coming up with clever ways to still provide an income. The fruit of all of this I am seeing is creativity!
Creativity is the Holy Spirit
I can't remember who said this but it is something that I have always remembered that inspires me:
"Creativity is the Holy Spirit".
Businesses, restaurants, teachers, churches are thinking outside the box and creating inventive ways to stay in business, continue learning and still worship together.
I was listening to the radio the other day and commercials show this creativity. A bar now is encouraging people to buy their t-shirts, have a beer in their home and when this is all over to come back and have a drink with them later. The commercial ends with 'now, go wash your damn hands." Yes, they cussed, but it was clever, creative and just funny. Listen to the radio commercials and be mindful of the creative solutions that people are dreaming up.
I tried to lessen my time on social media for lent...failed! This is an historical time we are living in and our family did give up TV so I have to stay in touch somehow, right? I am seeing so many wonderful, funny, heartfelt memes, videos, articles being shared. Creativity is at it's height! The phrase 'social distancing' really isn't accurate. With social media we are closer now more than ever! It should be called "physical distancing".
Where does creativity come from?
Above. God made humans like no other creature. We can think, chose, and love AND CREATE! Monkeys can't find a cure for this virus, only humans can. My prayer is that the brilliant creative minds of scientists and doctors can create a cure soon. The Holy Spirit is the inspiration, the teacher, the creativeness of God. It is sent down to us from heaven. We can pray for the Holy Spirit to come into our lives. Just as this invisible virus drifts around and lands on whomever it wishes, so does the Holy Spirit. Just as those that expose themselves more to the virus, the chance of getting it is greater. The more someone exposes themselves to the Holy Spirit, the chance of growing more in creativity, love and grace is greater.
Pray specifically to the Holy Spirit to enter your life so that you may find God's life to guide you in joy, love, peace and creativity.
My son's creativity won him an ice cream cone! |
Fear Kills Creativity
I may not be the most creative person, but I love writing. It is a chance for me to use the creativity that was given to each of us in our unique way. I feel a release when I get the thoughts out of my head. Creative persons aren't just your writers, musicians, dancers but they are your every day people who find creative ways to live life. My husband is very logically minded and finds creative ways to fix something that is broken usually with a zip tie (not duct tape like many).
Be Creative
May the Holy Spirit come upon you and guide you to live a creative, abundant life.
"And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship, to divise artistic designs, to work in in gold and silver and bronze."
Exodus 35:31-31
What ways do you like to be creative?