In honor of Friday's March for Life (which you will probably not hear much about on the news unless Nick Sandman shows up again). The following is my rant on abortion.
Doe AND Roe
Jane Roe's (of Roe VS Wade) real name was Norma McCorvey. She was never raped, she decided not to have the abortion she was fighting for, and she eventually converted to the Catholic faith. In Doe VS Bolton, Sandra Cano (Jane Doe) was not aware she was the plaintiff, she did not have an abortion, and started a pro-life ministry called Wonderfully Made Ministry. Both women have since passed. January 22 is the anniversary of Roe VS Wade and the same day Doe VS Bolton made abortion legal.
Yesterday we celebrated Martin Luther King Day. A man who fought for injustice. His daughter, Alveda is a pro-life advocate. Slavery was an injustice, the Holocaust was an injustice, civil rights had to be fought for just so people would not be treated as 2nd class citizens. History will show that abortion was the injustice of our time.
Are we at war?
I will never, ever understand how a choice has to be made at the expense of a life. I am not an uncompassionate person. I care about the mother AND the father. There are many, many people and agencies willing to help when a women has an unplanned pregnancy. Whenever a choice has to be made and an innocent person may be killed, that's usually what commanders in armies have to factor in during war. They decide if the casualties are worth the risk.
Are we at war? Is it a war on women or a war on babies? or both? What are we fighting for? The right to choose to end a life for the sake of convenience? Do we not know how to suffer for the sake of others anymore? It's my body, you can't tell me what to do. Still, will never, ever understand that once a life is forming inside a womb, women can't understand they share their body with another person. It's not just theirs anymore. Call me a jerk but that's human biology.
I've experienced this 6 times, losing one at 11 weeks and one was unplanned. It does take great sacrifice. The power, strength and beauty of a pregnant woman's body should be celebrated. She brings forth life. How amazing is that?!
Right to choose?
Is it a right to choose? When so many women really don't get to choose. They are either coerced, manipulated, and forced into the abortion. Yes, some freely choose and have no regrets, but when we have a country with laws on our books that say its ok to end a life (kill) then the culture thinks it must be moral. It makes it easier to do an immoral action.
And what about the fathers? Yes, some are jerks and 'force' the woman to abort or abandon the mother and offer no help. But I'm guessing there are many men that don't even know about the pregnancy and are probably told you have no say, it's my body. I like to believe some men would step up but that's were women have the control. Men, fight for the unborn. You do have a say.
Cultural Civil War
Abortion is the cultural civil war of our times. We do have bloody casualties in this war. We can't deny that. It's heartbreaking because the casualties don't even get to fight.
Great article on Norma McCorvey the Jane Roe in Roe VS Wade.
Thank you for reading. I appreciate you.
My youngest of 5. Born on Jan 22, 2010. The anniversary of Roe VS Wade. What a wonderful way to celebrate life than a birthday! |
Will you pray for the unborn and the mothers?